State of Player


There’re different states inside FijkPlayer / ijkplayer. Jump between states is achieved through an API call.

The following illustration plots all the states in player, as well as the main API calls that invoke state jumps.

State Changte Legend

The state jumps which connected by soild arrow in the figure are achieved by API call.
The dashed arrow connected state changes are occurs automatically by some specific task within the player finished or some error occurs.


State Interpretation

State Name Player Situation
idle Idle state, the FijkPlayer that just completed the construction is in this state.
In this state, the player takes up a small amount of memory and no extra threads are started.
The idle state can only be converted to the initialized state via setDataSource
initialized The initialized state is only more information about the input media data source than the idle state. Also no extra threads are open.
asyncPreparing Calling prepareAsync in the initialized state reaches this state.
This is not a steady state, which is automatically converted to the prepared state after a specific task is completed.
The main task for this state is to detect the media file type, open the media file, open the decoder and create a new decoding thread, create a new data read thread, open the audio output device, create a new video output thread.
prepared asyncPreparing automatically converts to this state when the specified task is completed.
In this state, audio and video data is under in bufferring and decoding, and it can be started at any time.
started The media (video, audio) is playing.
paused Media (video, audio) playback is paused.
completed The media (video, audio) playback is complete. You can start playing again from the beginning.
stopped The threads occupied by the player have been released. The audio device is turned off.
end All memory in the player that needs to be manually released is released.
Players in this state can only wait for garbage collection for memory release.
error Player has error

Playable State

prepared, started, paused, completed.
In the playable state, you can convert to the started state by calling start and the playback becomes started.

Steady State

idle, initialized, prepared, paused, completed, stopped, end, error.
Steady state can only be converted to other states through API calls. State changed are not autonomous.

Non-steady State

asyncPreparing, started.
Non-steady state will automatically change to other states when matching some conditions.
Non-Steady state jumps can also be mase through API calls.

Full Jump API

  • idle
API name target state
setDataSource() initialized
reset() idle
release() end
  • initialized
API name target state
prepareAsync() asyncPreparing
reset() idle
release() end
  • asyncPreparing
API name target state
prepare task complete prepared
error ossurs error
reset() idle
release() end
  • prepared
API name target state
seekTo() prepared
start() started
reset() idle
release() end
  • started
API名称 目标状态
seekTo() started
start() started
pause() paused
stop() stopped
playback finish completed
error ossurs error
reset() idle
release() end
  • paused
API name target name
seekTo() paused
start() started
pause() paused
stop() stopped
reset() idle
release() end
  • completed
API name target state
seekTo() paused
start() started (from beginning)
pause() paused
stop() stopped
reset() idle
release() end
  • stopped
API name target name
stop() stopped
prepareAsync() asyncPreparing
reset() idle
release() end
  • error
API name target state
reset() idle
release() end
  • end
API name target state
release() end

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